For Online Transactions
The Philippine Society for Microbiology will have the merge of traditions and innovations towards ASEAN 2016 in the country with the 7th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress and 45th Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting with the theme: “Microbiology and Biotechnology in ASEAN 2016: BridgingTraditions and Innovations.” PSM will aim to highlight in the Congress, the potential of microbes, and hopes that, through this event, microbiologists will be able to better appreciate the application of scientific knowledge from tradition leading to innovations that will augment the field towards ASEAN 2016. The five-day Congress aims to promote multi-country sharing of breakthroughs and collaborative research and innovations on microbial biotechnology. It intends to tackle the latest scientific information and trends on probiotics and food manufacture in relation to effects of microbes on man’s health and well-being. It will also focus on relevant microbial enzymes and proteins; applied genetics and molecular biotechnology; food additives, genomics and proteomics; applied microbial and cell physiology; environmental biotechnology; process and pharmaceutical products; steroid transformations; cholesterol-lowering and anti-tumor agents to name a few from both local and international settings.
Message from the President

Recent years have truly been fruitful for the field of Microbiology and Biotechnology and the coming year will certainly not be any different. Discoveries and innovations in the field continue to pour forth from all corners of the world and the rapid growth of these disciplines has truly changed the world that we live in. Great strides have been made in the two fields of study and with it; mankind continues to leap forward, finding even more ways to utilize our environment and organisms within it to further benefit our ends. And our day to day innovations and findings lead to an end goal which includes the advancement of the field towards ASEAN 2016. However, one believes that continues progress, without appreciating the traditions that serve as the foundation of a discipline, is akin to a continuously growing tree with ever-shortening roots. Without its roots eventually the tree will collapse and all the effort will be for naught and thus it is of paramount importance that we, as scientists, learn to appreciate the foundation on which our discipline is built upon and keep it in mind as we move toward progress. It is true that in order to advance our respective fields we must continue to trudge forward and continue on our various research endeavors. Continue to search for untagged organism, determine the mechanism behind unexplained phenomena, and develop more ways of harnessing our natural environment for the betterment of humanity. There is no doubt that progress must be made and further innovations in microbiology and biotechnology be developed; however, it does not hurt that from time to time we look behind us to see how far we have gotten, to remember the principles and traditions that got us to where we are. One never knows, the past may hold unique ideas or theories disproved that we may yet find insightful.These in mind, the Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. invites you all to a scientific gathering of microbiologists and partners in the academe and industries to this 5-day Congress in the heart of one of the world’s New 7 Wonders Cities, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. PSM, Inc. will aim to highlight in the Congress, the potential of microbes, and hopes that, through this event, microbiologists will be able to better appreciate the application of scientific knowledge from tradition leading to innovations that will augment the field towards ASEAN 2016.
Congress Committee
Committee | Chair | PSM National Board |
Overall Convention Chair | MP de Leon | BG Ricaforte (Co-chair) |
Finance Committee and Fund Utilization | JB Galvez | MP de Leon, BG Ricaforte, CJO dela Rosa, GM Penuliar |
Registration / Secretariat & Membership Committee | DMD Papa | MAZ Dimasupil, EC Conde, EB Leyeza, LH Galarion, RL Duque, KM Guinto, AD Montecillo |
Linkages and Partnership Committee | BGR Ricaforte | MP De Leon, WL Rivera, JB Galvez, GM Penuliar |
Plenary Sessions | MP de Leon | BG Ricaforte, DMD Papa, WL Rivera, VP Migo |
Technical Sessions | VP Migo | PG Vital, AA Gabriel, EB Leyeza, DMD Papa |
Best Paper Committee | PG Vital | PEE Calderon, JC Cornista, AA Gabriel |
Poster | AA Gabriel | PG Vital, PEE Calderon, UG Bigol, GM Penuliar |
Physical Plan & Exhibits | GM Penuliar | BGR Ricaforte, CJO dela Rosa, JB Galvez, RJ Calugay, JC Cornista, DMD Papa |
Souvenir Program & Newsletter | LH Galarion | MP de leon, DMD Papa, MAZ Dimasupil, GM Penuliar, KM Guinto |
Documentation | PEE Calderon | LH Galarion, MAZ Dimasupil, PEE Calderon |
Awards | WL Rivera | MP de leon, VC Cuevas, EC Conde |
Socials and Food | CJO del Rosa | BG Ricaforte, RJ Calugay, JC Cornista, JB Galvez, MAZ Dimasupil, DMD Papa |
Ethics and Constitution | EC Conde | UG Bigol, VC Cuevas, WL Rivera |
Protocol | WL Rivera | MP de Leon, BG Ricaforte, DMD Papa, JF Simbahan and SA Basit |
Comelec | WL Rivera | MP De Leon |
TRG / TSG | CJO Dela Rosa | PG Vital, JB Galvez, PEE Calderon |
Coffee Table Book | MAZ Dimasupil | CJO dela Rosa, DMD Papa, LH Galarion |
Website | LH Galarion | DMD Papa, JB Galvez, KM Guinto |
YRG Committee | RJ Calugay | AA Gabriel, PG Vital, JC Cornista |
Publication Committee | WL Rivera | MP De Leon, VC Cuevas, VL Barraquio, IJ Dogma Jr. |
Tour and Accommodation | UG Bigol | RJ Calugay, CJO Dela Rosa, JB Galvez |
Manual of Operations | EB Leyeza | MP De Leon, WL Rivera, Committee Chairs |
Venue and Schedule
Congress Site
Vigan Convention Center, Rivero St. Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Congress Venue
The Congress will be held at Vigan Convention Center, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Vigan is the only surviving historic city in the country that dates back to the 16th century Spanish colonial period. Established in the 16th century, Vigan is the best-preserved example of a planned Spanish colonial town in Asia. Its architecture reflects the coming together of cultural elements from elsewhere in the Philippines, from China and from Europe, resulting in a culture and townscape that have no parallel anywhere in East and South-East Asia. Vigan was officially included as one of the world’s New 7 Wonders Cities last May 2015. Aside from this, the City has also been inscribed in 1999 in the UNESCO world Heritage list as a model of best practices in World Heritage site management.
Congress Schedule
20 July 2016 (Ingress) 21 July to 23 July 2016 (Convention) 24 July 2016 (Optional City Tour)
Plenary Speakers | |
PLENARY LECTURE 1: Phage biotechnology for foods and animals | Dr. Craig Billington Senior Scientist, Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (ESR) Canterbury & West Coast, New Zealand |
PLENARY LECTURE 2: Asian Microbiome Study, What Does It Tell Us? | Dr. Yuan Kun Lee Associate Professor Department of Microbiology |
PLENARY LECTURE 3: Exploring marine sediment-derived microorganisms through biotechnological applications for natural product drug discovery | Dr. Doralyn S. Dalisay Head Department of Pharmacy University of San Agustin Iloilo City DOST Balik Scientist |
PLENARY LECTURE 4:Plant Secondary Metabolite Engineering Using Heterologous Expression of Plant Glycosyltransferases in Yeasts | Professor Kazuhito Fujiyama Professor Laboratory of Applied Microbiology International Center for Biotechnology Osaka University Japan |
PLENARY LECTURE 5: Understanding the pig gut microbial ecology as a model of the human gastrointestinal tract | Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang Editor-in-Chief Korean J. Food Sci. An. Associate Professor Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Department of Animal Resources Sciences Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea |
PLENARY LECTURE 6: Bioconversion of marine and industrial biomass for production of value-added lipids and terpenoids | Dr. Tsunehiro Aki Professor Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter Hiroshima University Japan |
PLENARY LECTURE 7: Comparative metagenomics of disease Conducive and nonconductive soils | Dr. Wen-Ling Deng Associate Professor Department of Plant Pathology College of Agriculture and Natural Resources National Chung Hsing University |
PLENARY LECTURE 8: SAMBA: A Rapid Molecular Point-of-Care Technology for HIV-1 Diagnosis and Viral Load Monitoring | Dr. Lourdes M. Nadala Director Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Diagnostics Real World Ltd. And Vice-President Quality Assurance and Regulatory Support Pi Bioscientific Inc. USA |
Registration / Convention Rates
The pre-registration deadline of the 7th APBC Congress and 45th PSM Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting is on April 29, 2016.
Members | 6,000.00 | 7,000.00 |
Non-Members | 8,000.00 | 9,000.00 |
Undergraduate Students* | 4,900.00 | 5,500.00 |
Foreign Participants | US$ 250.00 | US$ 300.00 |
*Students: Proof of status (i.e. registration form) needs to be provided at the time of registration.
Important Reminders for Registration
- Early registrations fees are only available for those who register and make full payment before May 30, 2016. If you register and do not make payment by the said date, you should make payment for the on-site registration fees.
- Attendees are required to create or update their PSM Account to register. Visit PSM registration
- Registration fee does not include optional tour
3b. Payment Methods
LOG IN with your username and password. For new users, SIGN UP to create an account. In your PSM Account Page, click the ‘Payment’ tab. There are currently three available payment options, the online payment (OPTION 1), bank deposit (OPTION 2), or through Bayad Centers (OPTION 3).
The online mode of payment is available only to MasterCard (Credit Card) and MasterCard (Debit Card) users, and MLhullier (Over-the-counter) via the PSM AurumPay Account. 1. Visit this link or open the Payment Tab in your Account dashboard to pay using this option. 2. Enter required details to the PSM’s AurumPayPro page and select appropriate registration fee on the dropdown menu. Click ‘I agree and accept’ checkbox and ‘Submit’ button. 3. Successful submission will direct you to a ‘Secured Payment’ page where card and other banking details will be required. If you chose the ‘Over-the-Counter’ payment method, you will be directed to a different page, please follow instructions. 4. IMPORTANT FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER PAYMENTS: A. For your transaction and registration to be valid, you are required to upload the proof of payment/receipt in your PSM account. Log in using your username and password. B. In your PSM Account Page, click the Payment tab, Option 2 payment is found at the bottom of the page. Fill boxes with the required information, upload your proof of payment, and click ‘Send Payment’. You can identify your mode of payment (i.e. Over-the-Counter) in the Notes. NOTE: For those who made batch payments, EACH registrant is required to follow the steps above and to upload the deposit slip where their name is enlisted to be included in the Master List.
You may also opt for a bank deposit mode of payment. Pay the appropriate pre-registration fee to PSM – Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) account: Account Name: Philippine Society for Microbiology Account Number: 0913-2425-48 IMPORTANT: 1. For your transaction and registration to be valid, you are required to upload the deposit slip/proof of payment in your PSM account. Log in using your username and password. 2. In your PSM Account Page, click the Payment tab, Option 2 payment is found at the bottom of the page. Fill boxes with the required information, upload your proof of payment, and click ‘Send Payment’. NOTE: For those who made batch payments, EACH registrant is required to follow the steps above and to upload the deposit slip where their name is enlisted to be included in the Master List.
Registration payments can now be made at the following participating BAYAD CENTERS. Visit this link. IMPORTANT: 1. For your transaction and registration to be valid, you are required to upload the proof of payment/transaction receipt in your PSM account. Log in using your username and password. 2. In your PSM Account Page, click the Payment tab. Use Option 2 payment found at the bottom of the page. Fill boxes with the required information, upload your transaction receipt, and click ‘Send Payment’. In the Note section, write “through Bayad Center.” NOTE: For those who made batch payments, EACH registrant is required to follow the steps above and to upload the transaction receipt where their name is enlisted to be included in the Master List.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
The Congress Secretariat/Treasurer must be notified through email. A refund of the registration fee, less 20% administrative charge, will be made for cancellations received on or before June 15, 2016. No refund will be made for cancellations after this date.
On-site Registration
Pre-registration will close at midnight May 30, 2016. Thereafter the pre-registration will not be applicable for any registrations online. Any delegates wishing to register after pre-registration has closed can register upon arrival at the registration desk on July 20 or 21, 2016 at the Vigan Convention Center. On-site registrations will be accepted, but Congress materials may be limited. Delegates planning to register on-site are advised to arrive early. On-site registration will proceed on a first-come, first-served manner. Please see the time schedule for registration hours.
Abstract Submission
- Prepare a copy of your abstract. Make sure to follow this format click here to see abstract sample
- Sign-up/Login to
- Find and Click the word Abstract on the dashboard sidebar menu and click it
- Once on the Abstract Submission page fill up the necessary fields according to which category your paper is being submitted into
- Upload a copy of your Abstract (only .doc or docx files will be accepted)
One of the highlights of the PSM Convention is the best paper Competition, which aims to recognize excellence in microbiological research. PSM cordially invites the submission of research papers to complete for the Best Paper Awards. There will be two categories for the Best Paper Competition, Professional and Undergraduate Student.
Criteria for Acceptance of a Paper for Competition
- The paper must be original; Review papers and progress report will not be accepted.
- Must conform with the general guidelines for submission of papers for oral presentation as previously stated.
- One of the co-authors must be a PSM member.
Oral Presentation Format for the Best Paper Session
The presentor will be given 15 minutes for the presentation of the research paper. Each presentation will be followed by a 5 minute open forum where members of the board of judges will be given priority for questioning. Additional questions from the floor will be answered by the presentor if the time permits. Performance in the oral presentation will be included in the final evaluation for the Best Paper Award.
For more information and submission of papers please contact:
Papers are invited on any of the aforementioned topics for oral or poster presentation. The presenting author must be a pre-registered participant of the Congress.
General Guidelines for Submission of Papers for Oral Presentation
- The main focus of the paper is microbiology. It should not have been published nor presented in another national or international meetings.
- The paper should contain the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and Literature Cited.
- Submitted papers will be reviewed for adherence to established rules, scientific content and presentation by the appropriate Division Representatives and experts in the field who may recommend acceptance or rejection. The Technical Committee will have the final decision.
- Accepted papers will be grouped according to Division, based on the marked choice of the author, subject to the final approval of the Committee.
Oral Presentation Format
Oral paper presentations will be of 15 minutes duration followed by 5 minutes of questions and discussions. LCD audiovisual equipment will be available.
For more information and submission of papers please contact:
A poster paper competition will also be undertaken. The presenting author should indicate upon submission if the poster paper is for competition, and in this case, one of the co-authors must be PSM member
General Guidelines for Submission of Papers for Poster Presentation
- The main focus of the paper is microbiology. It should not have been published nor presented in another national or international meeting.
- An Abstract with a maximum of 250 words is required
- For competing poster paper and for the proceedings, an extended Abstract (not less than four pages and with a brief description of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion) is additionally required.
Poster Presentation Format
The poster should be organized in sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Please ensure readability from 2 meters distance. Poster dimension should fit in a 1 x 1 meter dimension. The supporting board will be provided.
For more information and submission of poster papers please contact:
PSM Awards
The annual Best Paper and Best Poster Paper competition will be undertaken.
The Outstanding Microbiologist and Service Awards (individual and institutional)
will also be given to deserving PSM members and institution.
Members of the Board of Directors are disqualified from participating in the competition.
For more information and submission of nominations please contact:
Young Researchers Grant
The PSM would like to encourage and support their members who want to share their researches to the scientific community by awarding this grant to five (5) graduate / fresh graduate students whose paper have been accepted in the non-competing oral presentation of the annual convention. Chosen presenters will be selected and notified by the screening committee. This grant entitles the awardees full reimbursement of their registration fees.
For more information and submission of papers, please contact
Accomodation and Tours
In Vigan
The national language is Filipino, which is based on the Tagalog dialect of Southern Luzon, although there are at least one or two dialects spoken in every region. In Ilocos, the particular dialect is Ilokano, but English and Tagalog is both spoken and understood throughout the region.
The Climate of the Philippines is tropical with an average year-round temperature of 32°C (90°F). Summer is from March to May and is always hot and dry. The maximum in summer ranges from 33 to 34°C (92 to 94°F). June to October is wet season with monsoon rains in most part of the country.
Light clothing, preferably cotton, is recommended for daily wear. Casual wear is the rule although formal functions and parties may require a suit or Barong Tagalog for men or a dressy frock for ladies. Barong shirts are the native formal wear of the Philippines which come in various versions – embroidered or plain, long or short-sleeved, made from cotton, ramie, fine materials like jusi (banana fabric) and piña (pineapple fabric) and maybe worn for all occasions, from business meetings to blacktie.
Philippine Standard Time is GMT + 8 hours. It is the same time zone as Hongkong, Singapore, Taiper, Kuala Lumpur and Beijing. Tokyo and Seoul are ahead by 1 hour. Australia is ahead by 2 hours, while Bangkok is behind by 1 hour.
The Philippine currency is the Peso (PhP). As of this this writing, the exchange rate is about PhP 47 to US$1. There are 100 centavos to a peso. Peso notes come in the denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000. Coins are in 5, 10 and 25 centavos, as well as 1, 5 and 10 pesos.