Regional Chapter Officers

These chapters are governed by the psm by-laws and the following Guidelines
Guidelines On The Philippine Society For Microbiology, Inc. Regional Chapters
- There shall be regional chapters of PSM in the different regions of the country as the need arises. The creation of such regional chapters of the PSM shall be consistent with the overall objectives of the Society as embodied in the Constitution. This shall be subject to the approval of the General Assembly of the Society. In order to initiate the creation of the regional chapter, a written request must be sent to the President of the Society by at least 20 regular and /or life members who are in good standing.
- Each regional chapter shall have its own set of officers elected in the same manner as those of the Society. It shall be headed by the Chapter President. Regional Chapters should have a similar structural organization as the Society.
- Each Regional Chapters shall be autonomous in managing its own affairs. However, it is required that the regional chapters submit their proposed yearly activities to the President of the Society for coordination purposes.
- Each regional chapter should follow the Fiscal year of the Society, August 1- July 31 of each year. Regional chapters shall hold their Annual Convention and Scientific meeting on the month specified for each year: September for Mindanao Chapter; October, Visayas Chapter; February, Bicol Chapter and April for Northern Luzon Chapter.
- All Chapter members are encouraged to attend the National Convention but all Chapter Presidents or their representatives are required to represent their chapters during the PSM Annual Convention. They shall present a report of their accomplishments during the preceding year to the General Assembly. A representative from the Society shall attend the Regional Annual Convention of each chapter . Whenever a National Convention is held jointly with a regional convention, the net proceeds of the convention activities shall be shared equally between the Society and the regional chapter involved.
- All regional chapters shall receive equal amount of financial subsidy from the Society. The amount given is based on the financial status of the Society as proposed by the Board of Directors. The treasurers of each Chapter must liquidate the subsidy to the Society Treasurer for proper auditing before the end of each Fiscal year.
- All applicants for membership must apply with the regional chapter as sanctioned by the Society.
- The regional chapter shall be responsible for the issuance of ID’s for regular members and the Society for lifetime members.
- Membership fees shall be paid to the Society while annual dues of the regional members shall go to the regional chapter.