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Membership to the society is classified as charter, regular, life,
honorary, and sustaining. As of November 2019, PSM has a total of 9396 members. No special
qualifications are required to become a member except an interest in microbiology.

Requirements become a Regular Member of PSM

A qualified professional or a student must be engaged and interested in advancing the objectives of the Society.

  • Must be a Registered User on Philsocmicro online. This will serve as your application form for the society
  • Must settle the Membership Application Fee (membership fee and first annual due) set on the Fiscal Year through our preferred Payment Channels
  • Must be a registered participant and is present physically or virtually in the closest psm event : cluster symposia or convention, to take oath of Membership .


Effectivity of Membership

For incoming members:
An individual is only considered a member after you have taken your oath of membership and has been issued a membership certificate.
Membership discount only takes effect on the next event you will participate in.
Example: you participated, attended and was able to take your oath on Cluster 1 and received your membership certificate after. Discounted rates would only apply to you as a member starting Cluster 2 on the Fiscal year.

Please do NOT  assume membership because you have paid the membership application for reasons mentioned above. You are still considered a non-member until you fulfil the requirements mentioned. 

Getting Started

The Application Process so please read carefully
  • 1

    Start with creating an account on philsocmicro dashboard. This will give you access to the payment instruction page as well at the membership application request form

    the society encourages site users to use their personal email accounts. This is to avoid problems such as loss of access to company or institutional email accounts

  • 2

    Login to your account and Sign-up for the event you choose to be present physically or virtually on to take you oath of membership. simply click the Event sign-up link on the left navigation pane and once on the page click the event name

    Login -> Event Sign-up -> click button ex.( Sign-up for Cluster 1)

  • 3

    Settle the Membership Application Fee using the payment option available / mentioned in the payment instructions windows and secure a copy of proof of payment. This could be a screenshot of the confirmation messaged you received and or a sensible sized photo of a deposit slip

    Login – > Payments

  • 4

    Go to your profiles page and click the button under the Membership Application box this will give you access to the membership application form. On this form we will be collecting some information regarding you as well this where you will upload your proof of payment .

    Login – > View Profile ->
    Under Membership application click button (Become a Member)


    Upon completion of the form, you will receive a confirmation email of your request. your application request will undergo checking through the membership committee. PSM support will email you just in case something is wrong with your application as soon as it is detected. if you did not receive an email of error/warning from support within 2 working days then you are fine. Do NOT Send multiple requests.

  • 5

    Your request will then be processed, compiled, scheduled along with the other applications for the next event and will be forwarded to the PSM corresponding secretary.

    a week / days before the upcoming PSM event, you will receive additional instructions from the Corresponding secretary

  • 6

    Attend physically or virtually the event you chose so that you can join the oath taking ceremony .

    To receive the Digital Certificate of Membership, you will need to upload the oath of membership form to the website url sent by the PSM Corresponding Secretary.

Oath taking for Membership are only administered on location or virtually either on cluster 1, cluster 2 symposia and in the National Annual Scientific Convention and or Regional Chapter conventions . Effectivity of membership only happens after an individual has taken their oath of membership. Failure to take an oath on one of the events mentioned above will not constitute membership to society. As of the 44th Annual Convention, PSM has adopted online registration for membership. On the 50th Annual Convention PSM started to conduct online oath taking ceremony. For further information please read the Article IV and Article ARTICLE XIV

Annual Due:
A member is expected to pay a fee called annual  due to keep their membership status active .  payment for this can be accomplished in the user dashboard.

List of Regular and Life Members of PSM.

PSM has an academic and accrediting arm known as the Philippine Academy of Microbiology (PAM), the members of which are distinguished senior microbiologists in the country. You may visit their website at