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PC: Traditional Payment Method Instructions Via Banks Etc

This is NO LONGER RECOMMENDED. please see PSM Preferred Payment Methods

Send your payment to PSM’s BPI account:

Account name: Philippine Society for Microbiology
Account number: 0913-2425-48

  1. Once you have sent your payment Via PSM BPI account or if you opt to submit your bayad center transaction.Login or Sign-up at registration.psm.org.ph – accomplishing this would give access to your PSM ID number
  2. Once logged in, Click the Payments link on the sidebar. This will direct you to the payments page of your account
  3. Under the Payments window, Look for a Panel that says Payment Method B ( Banks Via PSM Site Tracking ) and click the the Green button that says “Use this Method”. This will direct you to the Payment Form Page
  4. Under the Payments Form window, fill up the form with the necessary information required. (as indicated by the * sign)
  5. Make sure to not forget uploading your Deposit/Payment Slip. we would accept a digital copy of slip in a form of screenshot, scanned image or even a smartphone camera shot for as long the details within the slip are clear
  6. Payment Notes is a required Field. indicate to that field circumstances regarding your transaction eg: what event it is for or payment includes another individual
  7. Click send payment
  8. You will receive  a payment notification via [email protected]. check time to time for the clearance of your transaction on the psm user dashboard on registration.psm.org.ph under the payments page.

*please take note that invoice with an empty attachment will not be cleared and will not be included on the final list of the attendees

Click here to use this method