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Refund And Cancellation Policy

1. Cancellations will only be possible up to two (2) weeks before the symposium/convention. Also, there will be a 20% administrative fee that will be charged from the total amount that was paid. Charges from online transactions (DragonPay®) if ever made will not be refunded by PSM. Cancellations after the said deadline will not be entertained and there will be no refunds after the said cut-off.

2. In the event of cancellation/refund, the participant must email the PSM Treasurer for a request in this format:
To: [email protected]
Subject: Request for Cancellation/Refund

Required fields in the request:
a) Name of the member
b) ID number (from the online registration form)
c) Member status
d) Amount paid
e) Reason for cancellation
f) Attachment: proof of payment

3. All refunds can be claimed a week after receiving the email confirmation of the treasurer of his/her receipt of the formal request for cancellation/refund. After processing the request, the refund will be available for pick-up at the PSM office located at SEARCA Hotel Residence Business Center, U.P. Los Banos, College, Laguna 4031, Philippines.

4. Other requests will be accommodated upon approval of the Finance committee of PSM.

5. Any other fees (bank transfer, wire transfer, reversal, postal fees, etc.) that will be charged due to special circumstances will be shouldered by the participant who availed the cancellation/refund.