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Convention: Poster Paper


graph-posterpaperThe presenting author should indicate upon submission if the poster paper is for competition, and in this case, one of the co-authors must be PSM member

General Guidelines for Submission of Papers for Poster Presentation
  • The main focus of the paper is microbiology. It should not have been published nor presented in another national or international meeting.
  • An Abstract with a maximum of 250 words is required
  • For competing poster paper and for the proceedings, an extended Abstract (not less than four pages and with a brief description of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion) is additionally required.
Poster Presentation Format

The poster should be organized in sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Please ensure readability from 2 meters distance. Poster dimension should fit in a 1 x 1 meter dimension. The supporting board will be provided.
For more information and submission of poster papers please contact:

Dr. Alonzo A. Gabriel

Chair, Best Poster Paper Committee
University Scientist University of the Philippines Diliman