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Convention: Best Paper Competition

One of the highlights of the PSM Convention is the best paper Competition, which aims to recognize excellence in microbiological research. PSM cordially invites the submission of research papers to complete for the Best Paper Awards. There will be two categories for the Best Paper Competition, Professional and Undergraduate Student.

Criteria for Acceptance of a Paper for Competition
  • The paper must be original; Review papers and progress report will not be accepted.
  • Must conform with the general guidelines for submission of papers for oral presentation as previously stated.
  • One of the co-authors must be a PSM member.
Oral Presentation Format for the Best Paper Session

The presentor will be given 15 minutes for the presentation of the research paper. Each presentation will be followed by a 5 minute open forum where members of the board of judges will be given priority for questioning. Additional questions from the floor will be answered by the presentor if the time permits. Performance in the oral presentation will be included in the final evaluation for the Best Paper Award.