Thesis / Dissertation Subsidy Grant (TSG)

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  1. The Thesis/Dissertation Subsidy Grant (TSG) is divided into the following categories: (1) Undergraduate (2) M.S., and (3) Ph.D or equivalent. Microbiology should be the main theme of the thesis or dissertation. The applicant shall be required to submit the following:
  • Duly accomplished application using the TSG Form (download)
  • A notarized Deed of Undertaking (download) is also required upon approval of the grant.
  • Approved copy of the thesis or dissertation proposal together with a Gantt chart of the thesis/dissertation plan
  • Proofs of attendance to PSM conventions or cluster symposia (please see No. 2 for details)
  1. If the thesis/dissertation is a group work, only one person may apply for the grant.
  2. An applicant for the M.S. or Ph.D. categories must be an active PSM member. For the undergraduate level (if the applicant is not yet a member), the adviser should be an active member of PSM. An active PSM member is defined as one who had attended at least two major PSM activities (convention and/or cluster symposium, either national or regional) within the last three (3) years. Copies of the Certificate of Attendance to these activities shall be attached with the application form.
  3. The TSG application shall be evaluated by a committee chaired by the current Microbiology Education Division representative. Applicants shall be duly and immediately notified by the Chair as to the outcome of the evaluation.
  4. Those who receive the TSG cannot apply anymore for the thesis reproduction grant (TRG)..
  5. Applications for the TSG shall be accepted whole year round provided that the slots have not been used up. The slots for the TSG shall be as follows :
CategoryNumber of SlotsMaximum Amount of Grant Per Slot (PHP)Total Amount (PHP)
Ph.D . or equivalent240,000.0080,000.00
GRAND TOTAL200,000.00
  1. Upon approval of the grant, the grantee shall be required to submit a notarized Deed of Undertaking prior to the release of the check. The Deed of Undertaking shall reflect the commitment of the grantee to finish the thesis/dissertation and to liquidate the amount that was granted to him. All other matters stipulated therein must be complied with by the grantee.
  2. The grantee should follow the schedule as cited in the Gantt chart. The grantee shall also be encouraged to submit the finished thesis either for paper or oral presentation in any of the immediately succeeding PSM conventions. An undergraduate applicant who is not yet a PSM member is likewise encouraged to become a member.

For submission or inquiries, please contact :

Angella Melissa A. Carlos, MSc
Microbiology Education Division Representative, PSM FY 2019-2020