Thesis / Dissertation Reproduction Grant (TRG)

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PSM will give thesis awards ( Thesis / Dissertation Reproduction Grant (TRG) ) to six (6) B.S. and four (4) M.S. and two (2) Ph.D. students. The grant is intended for printing and reproduction of the students’ thesis amounting to PHP 5,000 for each B.S. student; PHP 7,500 for each M.S student and PHP 10,000.00 for each Ph.D. student. The following are the requirements for application for the grant :

  • If the thesis/dissertation is a group work, only one person may apply for the grant.
  • If the applicant is a graduate student, he/she must be an active PSM member and must submit proofs of attendance to at least two major PSM activities (convention and/or cluster symposium, either national or regional) within the last three years.
  • For an undergraduate applicant who is not yet a member, his or her adviser must be a PSM member who then must submit proofs of attendance to at least two major PSM activities (convention and/or cluster symposium, either national or regional) within the last three (3) years. The undergraduate student must also show an intention to join PSM.
  • The thesis research should focus on microbiology.
  • The thesis manuscript must have been duly approved by his/her corresponding thesis panel in his/her university as shown by the acceptance page of the manuscript.

Upon approval of the application for the grant  :

  • PSM must be duly acknowledged in the thesis manuscript.
  • A hard bound copy of the thesis manuscript must be provided to the PSM office immediately upon completion of the thesis or degree.

Grantees are encouraged to present their work at the annual national or regional chapter PSM Convention.  Applications for the TRG shall be accepted whole year round provided that the slots have not been used up.  Applications should be accompanied by a copy of the duly approved thesis manuscript, a copy of the acceptance page with the signatures of the panel members, proofs of attendance to PSM activities within the last three years and the TRG application form. Download the Thesis Reproduction Grant Form.

For submission or inquiries, please contact :

Angella Melissa A. Carlos, MSc
Microbiology Education Division Representative, PSM FY 2019-2020