By: Gil M Penuliar

The Philippine Society for Microbiology successfully held the 7th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress and its 45th Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting at the Vigan Convention Center, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, last July 20-24, 2016. With the theme Microbiology and Biotechnology in ASEAN 2016: Bridging Traditions and Innovations, the event was attended by more 200 participants, including foreign guests and speakers from Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States.
The opening ceremonies started with the processional of PSM Board Officers and past-presidents, members of the Philippine Academy of Microbiology (PAM), and guest speakers. Participants were welcomed by Dr. Prima Fe R. Franco, OIC-President of the Mariano Marcos State University and Dr. Gilbert R. Arce, President of the University of Northern Philippines. PSM President Marian P. de Leon (UPLB) delivered the opening remarks. The inspirational message was given by Ms. Beverly Lopez of Procter and Gamble Philippines, while Prof. Toshiomi Yoshida (Osaka University) gave the Keynote Address.
Eight plenary lectures were presented by local and foreign guest speakers. Dr. Doralyn S. Dalisay (University of San Agustin) talked about exploring marine sediment-derived microorganisms through biotechnological applications for natural product drug discovery, while Dr. Yuan Kun Lee (National University of Singapore) talked about Asian gut microbiota. Dr. Craig Billington (Institute of Environmental Science and Research, New Zealand) delivered a talk on phage biotechnology for foods and animals, while Dr. Lourdes M. Nadala (Pi Bioscientific Inc.) talked about SAMBA, a rapid molecular point-of-care technology for HIV-1 diagnosis and viral load monitoring. Prof. Kazuhito Fujiyama (Osaka University) gave a lecture on plant secondary metabolites engineering using heterologous expression of plant glycosyltransferases in yeast, while Prof. Tsunehiro Aki (Hiroshima University) talked about bioconversion of marine and industrial biomass for the production of value-added lipids and terpenoids. Finally, Dr. Weng-Ling Deng (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) delivered a talk on comparative metagenomics of disease conducive and suppressive soils, while Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang (Dankook University, Korea) gave a lecture on pig gut microbial ecology as a model of the human gastrointestinal tract.
A total of 22 technical papers were delivered during 4 separate sessions on (1) Food and Medical Microbiology, chaired by Dr. Lucille C. Villegas (UPLB); (2) Aquatic, Agriculture, and Veterinary Microbiology and Biotechnology, chaired by Dr. Rolando V. Pakingking (SEAFDEC/AQD); (3) Microbiology Education, chaired by Mr. Joel C. Cornista (Miriam College); and (4) Environmental and Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, chaired by Dr. Lorele C. Trinidad (UPLB). Dr. Gil M. Penuliar (UPD) chaired the Young Researchers Grant, where papers from 5 promising young researchers were presented. He also moderated the Meet the Experts Forum, where participants were given the chance to interact with the plenary speakers.