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Reminders : PAM Certification Exam 2016

Note: This post is over a year old and is kept for archival purposes.
  1. Examinees must indicate the venue where they choose to take the exam. Deadline Nov. 20, 2016.
    1. Metro Manila – 2nd floor, DENR Central Office, Visayas Ave. Diliman, Quezon City
    2. Iloilo City – DENR Activity Center, DENR VI, Regional Office, Pepita Aquino Drive, Iloilo City
  2. Once the venue they have chosen is final. They cannot changed.Kindly email the venue where you will take the 2016 PAM Certification Examination at [email protected] with subject: 2016 CERTIFICATION EXAM.

  3. Rule on passing
    1. Passing grade: average of 70%; below 70%- failed, retake all.
    2. Unlimited number of retakes
  4. Rules examinees need to comply for them to be allowed to take the Certification Exam
    1. Examinee must bring their examination permit/receipt or copy of bank deposit of P1,000 Examinee Fee. This permit or copy of bank deposit must be presented to the proctor before he/she is allowed to enter the examination room.
    2. The examinee must present his/her valid ID with clear picture and signature (school, government-issued ID, company ID) to the proctor before the conduct of the CE.
    3. Proper dress code must be observed by an examinee.
    4. Wearing of cap and shades is not allowed.
    5. Long hair must be secured using ponytail.
    6. Latecomers can take the CE without extension of allotted time
    7. Use of calculators is not allowed. No electronic devices are allowed during the CE.
    8. Any form of cheating will result in automatic failure in the entire certification exam.
    9. The examinee will not be allowed to leave the room during the CE.
  5. The examinees must comply with these rules otherwise they may not be allowed to take the exam.

  6. IV. Guidelines on the conduct of the Certification Exam
    1. No examinee shall be allowed to enter the examination room prior to the designated time of CE.
    2. Seating arrangement shall be random and one seat apart.
    3. The guidelines for the conduct of the CE shall be distributed to the examinees for reading before the first subject examination. The examinee shall be required to sign the written guidelines as proof that he/she has understood the rules.
    4. PAM will provide pencil #2.
    5. The examinee must sign on the attendance sheet before every examination session. The exam paper number must correspond to the seat number indicated on the attendance sheet.
    6. Proctors are not allowed to answer questions during the exams.
    7. An examinee may leave the room after he/she is finished with the CE.